Our Ambassador, Affiliate & Rewards Programs

Author Image Katie Thomson MS, RD | Cofounder
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Earn perks, swag, discounts, and cash just by ordering and/or sharing your Square Baby experience!

Baby Stacking Baby Food on top of Kitchen Counter

    Join Our Ambassador Program - Audenticity

    Square Baby’s ambassadors are our most loyal customers and fans! Earn commission, exclusive discounts, swag, and free meals by sharing your experience on social media and with your community!

    This program is offered to:

    • Square Baby's Most Loyal Fans and/or Customers
    • Registered Dietitians
    • Health and Wellness Professionals
    • Others in the baby space who want to help new parents navigate starting solids, allergen introduction, and infant nutrition!

    Apply here

    Affiliate Program

    Want to earn cash for sharing your love of Square Baby? It’s simple! Share Square Baby to your community using your unique link -- give $15 off first purchases with code "AFFILIATE15" and you'll earn $15 cash for every successful first sale!


    1. Apply and fill out the form here. If you are already registered with ShareASale, our ID is 134937.
    2. Once approved, share your unique link with your community about Square Baby. Earn commission on all eligible sales. The more you share, the more you’ll earn.

    Square Baby - fresh and organic baby food delivered

      Refer A Friend

      As part of our Affiliate Program (sign up here), you and your friend can earn $15 in cash or free meals! Simply share your unique referral link as well as the discount code "FRIEND15" with your community, family, and friends. Your friends will get $15 of their first order and you'll earn $15 cash when each friend signs up!

      Mom carrying baby and offering food

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