5 Tips For Easing Back into School Routines

Author Image Katie Thomson MS, RD | Cofounder

Our 5 Top Tips to Ease Back Into a School Routine

Summer has officially closed and the school year has started for most families. Starting a back-to-school routine can be a tough transition - for both parents and kids. 

Whether your kiddo has started school for the first time or entered a new grade - easing back into the school routine can take time and adjustment. 

Here are a few tips to help you and your family ease back into the school routine:

  • Create a morning routine!  Set an alarm that works for you (not against you!), drink water before coffee, meditate, or get your steps in before your work meetings. Your kids will also thrive off a consistent and task-oriented routine.Got littles? Start their routine with simple tasks such as picking out their clothes and brushing their teeth!
  • Establish a solid sleep schedule - for you and your family! And, stick with it! We know parenting is tough and sometimes getting enough zzz's can be challenging - do your best! Not sure if your LOs are getting enough sleep? Speak with your pediatrician on how much sleep your LO should be getting every night!
  • Make school lunches the night before! Our Square Meals are perfect for your LOs. Whether they are at a park or daycare, simply add our Square Meals in their lunchbox for 100% Balanced Nutrition. Even better - include your kiddos in packing their own lunch! Try adding our Square Meals as a sauce, dip, or spread! Check out the latest blog post on lunch time hacks!

Back to School recipes for babies and toddlers - square baby - organic food

  • Limit screen time. This is a hard one - especially with more than one kid and busy parent schedules. Make a family media use plan! Set a timer and when the timer is up, so is screen time! This will help make clear expectations for both kids and parents/caregivers.-
  • Take a deep breath! You got this! We are here to cheer you on! Parenting can be tough, let's do this together. 

We'd love to hear your tips, tricks & hacks!

We can all learn so much from each other. Share your tips on Instagram and Facebook and tag @squarebabyfood. It takes a village -- and we're so glad you're a part of ours.


      Katie and Kendall founders of Square Baby - Organic Baby Food

      ~ Katie & Kendall, Cofounders and Chief Mamas

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