Our Latest Podcast Interview: The Evolution of Square Baby

Author Image Katie Thomson MS, RD | Cofounder

The Evolution of the Brand and the Journey of the Dynamic Duo of Square Baby, Katie Thomson and Kendall Glynn

Building a business that solves a problem for a lot of people is commendable, but truly bringing it to commercial success is a whole another ‘nother ballpark. Today’s guests sought out to help parents give their babies the nutrition they need to be healthy.

This is the impetus behind Square Baby.

In this episode, this dynamic co-founder duo joins Elliot Begoun to share their journey of building a business. Katie Thomson and Kendall Glynn, the CEO and COO of Square Baby, share the evolution of the brand and the journey to a more commercialized approach. Katie and Kendall’s partnership is well-balanced, and they have done very well in problem-solving.

Founders of Square Baby Interview with TIG Brand

Read the full interview here.

Listen to the interview here!

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