Allergen Introduction: 3 Ways to Introduce Allergens
Nutrition Science is at our core and guides every decision we make. According to landmark studies like LEAP, PETIT, and EAT - we know that offering allergens early (4-6 months of age) and often (several days per week) may help prevent food allergies by 80%!
That's why we're proud to be the only baby food company to offer an Allergen Introduction Menu.

Square Baby Meals like Almond Butter & Banana (almonds, wheat), Hazelnut Pumpkin Pie (hazelnuts, soy, egg), and Blueberry Crush (yogurt/milk) are a delicious and simple way to offer allergens early and often.
Also, you can add scrambled egg, nut butters or powders, yogurt, or cooked, deboned fish to Square Baby meals as another way to increase their exposure to allergens during the week -- and still get a balanced, veggie-forward meal!

Try these nut butter puffs from our friends at Mission MightyMe to master those tiny pincer grasp skills. Plus, you'll get both tree nuts and peanuts into little diets for allergy prevention -- without diluting nut butters or grinding nuts!
For a limited time, use code "SQUAREBABY20" for 20% off your first Mission Mighty Me Order!

We offer a ton of easy recipes on our blog!
Try adding Beet Berry to cooked oatmeal -- you'll taste the earthiness of beets, the subtle sweetness of strawberries, the heartiness of quinoa and oats, and the creaminess of Straus Family Whole Milk Yogurt for a balanced, veggie-forward, allergen introduction meal.
Or, add Almond Butter and Banana on a slice of whole wheat bread or bagel for a nutrient-dense powerhouse snack with protein, fiber, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals!
For more recipes and ideas including Baby Led Weaning and Early Allergen Introduction, visit our blog here.
Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions - we're happy to help!

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