Baby Food Heavy Metals: Latest FDA Report, AB899 Compliance & Our Commitment

Author Image Katie Thomson MS, RD | Cofounder

Heavy Metals in Baby Food: Our commitment to our families has always been the same - to provide safe, healthy, and balanced food for your baby.

(Updated 1/2025)

To Our Square Baby Family,

You may recall the initial report on the alarming levels of toxic heavy metals found in several of the largest baby food manufacturers. We shared our commitment to you in reducing toxic heavy metals in this blog post.

We've been working closely with the Clean Label Project as we scaled into our new commercial facility, designed new eco-friendly packaging, and selected our organic ingredient suppliers and farms. 

Rest assured: Square Baby is not waiting for an act of Congress or the FDA to set limits for heavy metals or to test our products for contaminants. We do this proactively and voluntarily for the sake of protecting our families and yours.

As a Clean Label Project certified brand, in addition to ingredient surveillance, we have our products randomly sampled and tested for industrial and environmental contaminants including heavy metals (like Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury) in addition to pesticide residues and plasticizers.

For years, we have effectively and voluntarily implemented processes and supply chain management practices that helps to mitigate these events.

Square Baby Food Organic Fresh Meal Delivery

Let's Get Right To It: Square Baby's Heavy Metals Test Results

Because trust, safety, and transparency is everything, we want to share our results, progress, and what we're doing to help shape the future of heavy metals testing and regulations.

As of March 2023, we've earned the "Purity Award" by the Clean Label Project.  We're so proud of this!

And as of 2024, we are now testing EVERY batch of Square Baby meals.  We're happy to report that every meal came in <10ppb for each of the 4 major heavy metals that were tested -- lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury!  


Apple Curry Chicken + Purity Award

Earning the ultimate standard of certification is no easy feat.

The Clean Label Project conducts rigorous, independent food tests for over 400 different contaminants including heavy metals, chemicals, plastics, pesticides and other toxins. Read more on their methodology here. We've always held ourselves and our meals to the highest standards. And this award proves just that. Read more here.

AB899 COMPLIANCE: a 1/1/2025 Update

A note from our Cofounder about Square Baby being applauded as a "Most Transparent Brand" by Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports Names Square Baby a "Most Transparent Brand" for Heavy Metals Testing and Transparency

Square Baby was named 1 of the 3 "Most Transparent Brands" by Consumer Reports and Unleaded Kids.

#truth: They reached out to 30 baby food manufacturers in anticipation of California's law AB899 new requirement to disclose heavy metals test results and ensure this important information is easy for parents to find. They heard back from only 17 companies. 

Square Baby rose to the top because:

👍 We make heavy metals test results readily available and easy to find.

👍 We voluntarily posted test results (although not required) of meals made in 2024.

👍 We chose the most accurate lab with a reporting level of 3 ppb, which is well below the 6 ppb limit in the AB899 law. 

Many companies are complying, but making the information trickier to find. You must go into a California store and scan the QR code for each individual lot of each meal. This could get frustrating for consumers as they seek this information.

At Square Baby, when we thought about how we'd share our results, we knew we could be compliant with AB899 with a hidden page reached only by a QR code.  But that wasn't good enough for us. Or for our Square Baby families. 

We've been testing (since we made the meals by hand in a commercial kitchen) and sharing our results and commitment for years via this blog. We have nothing to hide -- we're so proud of our results! And we'd rather offer this information than hide it.

As founding members of Clean Label Project's Baby Coalition -- and on the forefront of science, education, and transparency -- we're proud to have never cut corners on quality and safety.

It's not about marketing. It's about science-based nutrition -- and ALWAYS putting our Square Baby families first.

-- Katie Thomson MS, RDN -- Square Baby Cofounder & CEO

Square Baby

Can heavy metals in baby food harm my baby?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): "The low levels of heavy metals found in baby foods likely are a relatively small part of a child's overall toxic metal exposure risk. However, exposure from all sources should be minimized. Toxic metal exposure can be harmful to the developing brain. It's been linked with problems with learning, cognition and behavior. But keep in mind that many genetic, social, and environment factors influence healthy brain development, and toxic metal exposure is just one of these factors."

Putting the Numbers into Context

Simply put: you cannot 100% avoid heavy metals. 

  • Although we take rigorous measures to minimize heavy metals as much as possible -- you cannot avoid heavy metals entirely as they are naturally occurring in the soil.

How do heavy metals get into foods?

  • Heavy metals are found naturally in the soil and Earth's crust. "They also are released into our environment as pollution and get into the water and soil used to grow food. Metals can also get into food from food manufacturing and packaging." -- AAP
  • Heavy metals are not added to baby food. The baby food industry has become a key focus for minimizing, reporting, and soon regulating heavy metals, but they can also be found in organic grocery store produce, grains, spices, etc as well.  
  • Drinking water may be the biggest source of heavy metals in your family's diet. Be sure to have your drinking water tested for metals like lead.

Portion size is not taken into account.

  • Baby food companies report heavy metals based on serving or portion size, not per ounce or per 100g. So, levels are not compared consistently across brands if their portion sizes differ.
  • Square Baby meals are at least 4oz (113g) -- while many other baby foods are 3.2 oz (91g); offering 20% less nutrition than Square Baby.  
  • Comparably, our meals may have the same levels of heavy metals as another brand, but show 20% more because we offer a larger portion size.
Square Baby Co-Founders, Katie & Kendall with Baby

Heavy Metals reference levels from the European Union, EPA, WHO, and FDA: 

Here is a great article on the research, progress, and proposed limits from various global agencies. In summary:

  • Inorganic Arsenic:
    • FDA: 10 parts per billion (ppb) for bottled water and apple juice; 100 ppb for infant rice cereal
    • EPA, EU, WHO: 10 ppb for drinking water 
      • EPA's arsenic limit for drinking water is based on total arsenic not just the inorganic portion
    • EC: 100 ug/kg for child/infant foods; 200  ug/kg for adult foods (1 ug/kg = 1 ppb)
  • Lead:
    • FDA: 5 ppb for bottled water; 50 ppb for juice; 100 ppb for candy 
      • NEW Action Levels for Baby Food:
      • 10 ppb for fruits, vegetables (excluding single-ingredient root vegetables), mixtures (including grain- and meat-based mixtures), yogurts, custards/puddings, and single-ingredient meats
      • 20 ppb for single-ingredient root vegetables
      • 20 ppb for dry infant cereals
    • WHO: 10 ppb (provisional guideline)
    • EPA: 10 ppb drinking water
    • EU: 20 ppb for infant formula
    • Draft Guidance Level in "Closer to Zero" -- not yet finalized, but now supported by FDA's New Action Levels
      • 10 ppb for fruits, vegetables (excluding single-ingredient root vegetables like carrot or sweet potato), mixtures (including grain and meat-based mixtures), yogurts, custards/puddings and single-ingredient meats.
      • 20 ppb for single-ingredient root vegetables (like carrot or sweet potato)
      • 20 ppb for dry infant cereal
  • Mercury: 
    • EPA: 2 ppb for drinking water
  • Cadmium: 
    • WHO: 3 ppb for drinking water
    • EPA/FDA: 5 ppb for drinking water
    • EU: 5-20 ppb for infant formula

EC: European Commission; EPA: Environmental Protection Agency; EU: European Union; FDA: Food & Drug Administration

Beet Berry ingredients 

What Square Baby is Doing to Minimize Heavy Metals in our Baby Food:

(1) Offering Nutrient-Dense Meals Rich in Vitamin C, Iron and Calcium to Help Block Heavy Metal Absorption

Offering a variety of foods will not only reduce heavy metal exposure, but it will also ensure your baby is getting a variety of nutrient-dense foods, antioxidants, as well as important, naturally-occurring vitamins & minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium, and vitamin C & D to help block metal absorption and increase elimination from the body.

Square Baby meals offer a wide variety of organic veggies, fruits, whole grains, proteins, health fats & herbs/spices.

Square Baby Organic Minty Greens Baby Food

Nutrient density is an important consideration for families and a significant differentiator for Square Baby. We don’t omit root veggies or spices, for example. Instead, we partner with the best farms offering high-quality ingredients and we provide ingredient variety in our meals and our menu offering.

We focus on our commitment to providing the healthiest, most nutrient-dense meals – especially because 'healthy metals' like iron help to reduce heavy metals absorption.

That's right -- a diverse, healthy diet rich in Vitamin C, Iron, and Calcium can protect against heavy metal absorption.

"Eating fresh fruits and vegetables (rich in vitamin C, calcium and iron) as well as a proteins from a variety of sources, reduces the body’s absorption of heavy metals. Eating foods with vitamin C helps increase the amount of iron in the blood and healthy iron levels help reduce the amount of lead taken into our bodies." -- Oregon Health Authority

Let's Break it Down.

In the small intestine, lead and iron bind to the same transport protein, which absorbs the metals into the bloodstream. If someone consumes too little iron with their food, the transporter increases its activity, and can carry lead into the bloodstream instead, leading to increased levels of the toxic heavy metal in the body and brain. - Science Daily

(2) Testing Finished Products vs. Individual Ingredients

This recent report found several of the largest baby food manufacturers were testing individual ingredients instead of the whole, finished product for toxic heavy metals. The results from individual ingredient testing were used to estimate the toxic heavy metal levels in their finished product. This led to inaccurate reporting of certain baby food products that were initially considered safe, when in fact, they were exceeding past the threshold of heavy metals.

Based on this report, there is now a recommendation that the FDA mandates “finished-product testing” for all baby food manufacturers. 

As recommended, we test the whole finished product, not just the individual ingredients. The most accurate testing available.

Almond Butter & Banana lid

(3) Performing Third-Party Lab Testing on EVERY Batch!

For example, in April 2024, we tested all of our meals and every one came in <10ppb (parts per billion) for the top four heavy metals we tested including Cadmium, Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury. 

Additionally, in 2022 and 2023, third-party lab results showed each of our tested meals, including our most “at risk” meals (such as Apple Curry Chicken with organic sprouted brown rice, Lil Carrot, and Lil Sweet Potato) resulting in <10 ppb in Cadmium, Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury. 

And we are so proud of that!

To compare, FDA has set standards for the maximum allowable levels of heavy metals in bottled water at 10 ppb (parts per billion).

(4) Working with Trusted Farms & Suppliers

While we know that heavy metals are naturally occurring and can be found in organic soil, there are farming regions and practices that can dramatically reduce the levels of heavy metals in the soil. We proudly vet and select farms and suppliers that have implemented systems to reduce heavy metals in their soil.

Our continued efforts in minimizing heavy metals in baby food starts with full transparency and our commitment to you and your family.

Apple Rosemary Lentils ingredients

(5) Reformulated our Meals to be Rice-Free

We had been utilizing an organic, sprouted brown rice in some of our meals (ie Mango Rice Pudding, Spinach Dahl, Apple Curry Chicken, and Coconut Shrimp Fried Rice). While this sprouted brown rice was tested in our finished meals, and came in under 10 ppb, we know our families are looking to include other whole grains and avoid or minimize rice.

So, we reformulated those meals to include other whole grains like quinoa, amaranth, barley, oats, and millet. These recipes have been available since our national expansion in early 2023!

Woman holding magazine

(6) We'll Never Sacrifice on Nutrition. "Dilution Isn't the Solution."

As baby and toddler food companies start to test for heavy metals and are now required publicly to share their results, we worry about what decisions are made to reduce reported levels of heavy metals.  Will these companies reduce portion sizes or add water solely to reduce their reported levels? 

At Square Baby, safety and purity are just as important as quality, nutritional density, exposure to veggies, herbs, spices, healthy fats, allergens, and a variety of organic foods. 

Square Baby will never add water to dilute the product (water is only added for ideal puree consistency; only as needed), decrease our serving size, or add sugar or fruit just to decrease heavy metals. We will always stay true to our commitment of offering: 100% Daily Nutrition, Veggie-Forward Balanced Meals, Worldly Flavors -- simply the best for your baby.

The following are updates previously reported in 2023-2024:

Are Standards and Limits Being Set for the Industry?

new report was recently released shedding light on several more baby food manufacturers that confirmed lax testing standards and protocols, inadequate recall of products, and overall lack of transparency leading to dangerous levels of toxic heavy metals in their baby food products.

While the FDA has recently announced a new program called “Closer to Zero” in an effort to establish safe industry standards for toxic heavy metals in baby food, this program will not take effect immediately. In fact, it could take years before regulations are put into place for all four toxic elements.

What's the Latest Progress in Requiring Heavy Metals Testing and Reporting?

The Clean Label Project Baby Coalition and Clean Label Project Certified Brands, including Square Baby, have been actively involved in shaping both State of California's AB 899 (requiring mandatory heavy metal testing of baby foods effective January 1, 2024, and mandatory disclosure of baby food heavy metal test results effective January 1, 2025) and Maryland's Rudy's Law, which is similar to California's AB 899 but with one year delay.

What's Next in Regulating Heavy Metals in Baby Food?

In the absence of federal laws putting clear pass/fail criteria in place, states are stepping up to protect their most vulnerable citizens. The recently announced Baby Food Safety Act of 2024 gives us hope that we will soon see reform at the federal level.

More Good News (an FDA update as of 2/2023)

Recently, FDA announced new industry standards for lead in processed foods intended for babies and children under two years of age. Foods covered by the draft guidance, Action Levels for Lead in Food Intended for Babies and Young Children include processed foods such as food packaged in jars, pouches, tubs and boxes.

The guidelines for lead are as follows:

  • 10 parts per billion (ppb) for fruits, vegetables (excluding single-ingredient root vegetables), mixed meals (including grain and meat-based mixtures), yogurts, custards/pudding and single-ingredient meats.
  • 20 ppb for root vegetables (single ingredient like carrots, sweet potatoes).
  • 20 ppb for dry cereals.

These new action limits are not mandatory, but the FDA may take various enforcement actions if they consider a food to be adulterated if it exceeds the new limits. Although this is a step in the right direction, more needs to be done to reduce exposure - and it is up to the manufacturers to lower the levels of contaminants in their products.

Currently, there are no set industry standards for toxic heavy metals in cadmium and mercury.

That’s where we come in.

Square Baby Eco-Friendly Shipping Box and Meals

Our commitment to our Square Baby Family has always been the same - to provide safe, healthy, and balanced food for your baby. We stand by that promise and want to share our continued efforts and dedication to our families.

We've been working closely with the Clean Label Project as we scaled into our new commercial facility, designed new eco-friendly packaging, and selected our organic ingredient suppliers and farms. And as of March 2023, we've earned the "Purity Award" by the Clean Label Project. Read more here.

Read more to find out how we have minimized heavy metals in baby food.

What's The Latest on Arsenic in Rice?

The FDA does have industry standards and a maximum allowable level of inorganic arsenic (set at 100 parts per billion) in infant rice cereal; however, these standards were not followed.

Rice puffs and infant rice cereal are made with one heavily-focused ingredient - rice. While rice has it’s nutritional benefits, using rice as the first listed ingredient comes with a price. Rice is high in inorganic arsenic, which can be harmful to our growing babies.

The report stated many of the largest baby food manufacturers exceeded the threshold for the maximum allowable level of inorganic arsenic in their infant rice cereal when testing was done on the finished product.

Other products like puff products, made with rice as the first ingredient, exceeded inorganic arsenic levels of 100 parts per billion (ppb).

While the majority of the report found rice-based baby food products exceeding FDA’s standard for inorganic arsenic, it also found other toxic heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury to be at levels higher than FDA’s industry standard of 10 ppb set for bottled water.

Square Baby's Organic Grains

Don’t want to cut rice out completely?

There are ways to reduce inorganic arsenic and still eat rice. One of the best practices is to choose a product with rice listed as one of the ingredients, but not the main ingredient.

Join our family! Explore our full menu of the best, safest, and most nutritious baby food products available.Mom feeding baby

Helpful Research & Resources:

Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions by emailing us at or visiting

For support or FAQ, please visit us here.

Cofounders of Square Baby: Katie Thomson, MS, RD and Kendall Glynn, MS, CGC

Katie Thomson, MS, RDN (CEO); Kendall Glynn, MS, CGC (COO)

(originally published Jan, 2022)

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