Beet Berry Muffin Recipe

Author Image Katie Thomson MS, RD | Cofounder

Looking for a way to add some delicious flavor and major nutrition to muffins?

Add in our Beet Berry for a fun snack or breakfast option! The sweetness of strawberries, earthiness of beets, wholesomeness of prebiotic oats, and the creaminess of Straus Family Creamery Greek Yogurt make this recipe the perfect add-in to any muffin recipe.

Add a little extra protein, fiber, iron, vitamin C, and potassium to our favorite muffin recipe with our Beet Berry puree!

Beet Berry muffin made with healthy ingredients for toddler

Our Square Baby Muffins:


2 cups flour (try whole wheat flour!)

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon salt

2 eggs

⅓ cup coconut oil, melted

¾ cup honey or maple syrup

¾ cup plain Greek yogurt

2 cups fresh cranberries

1 jar Square Baby Beet Berry

2 teaspoons vanilla extract


1. Preheat the oven to 400F. Grease or line a muffin tin.

2. In a medium bowl, mix together dry ingredients. Set aside.

3. In a small bowl, beat the eggs. Add in the coconut oil, honey or maple syrup, and yogurt.

4. Pour the egg mixture into the batter until mix.

5. Add Square Baby's Beets Berry puree and mix until combined. Fold in cranberries.

6. Using a cookie scoop, fill each muffin cup about 3/4 full.

7. Bake for 15-18 minutes, or until cooked in the middle. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for 1-3 minutes before placing on the cooling rack. Enjoy!

Beet Berry Muffin using Baby food

Try these substitutions or modifications:

- Instead of white flour, try whole wheat flour (or both) for extra fiber!

- Don’t like cranberries? Add in your favorite berry. We love blueberries or strawberries!

- Reduce the amount of honey or maple syrup from ¾ cup to ½ cup.

Beet Berry pureed baby food made with beets and strawberries

Fun Square Food Fact:

Betanin is one of the main plant compounds found in beetroots. It's also called, "beetroot red," which is notably responsible for its strong red color. Beets are a great source of nutrients including fiber, folate, manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C.

They can be eaten raw, but most people cook or pickle beets. Their leaves, known as “beet greens” can also be eaten!

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