Square Baby's Commitment to Animal Welfare & Ethical Sourcing

Author Image Katie Thomson MS, RD | Cofounder

"Every food company with animal-derived products in its supply chain has an opportunity—and the responsibility—to make sure these intelligent, sentient beings are treated with compassion. More humane husbandry practices exist, and sourcing from better farms and ranches is possible. Purpose-driven procurement is a powerful tool for change! Several companies have worked with the ASPCA to improve animal welfare in their supply chains, and create a more humane and sustainable farming system for all." -- ASPCA

Square Baby's Commitment to Sustainable & Ethical Sourcing

At Square Baby, we are committed to sourcing the best organic ingredients we can from responsible farmers who care, and we're always working toward continuous improvement. That’s why we have joined the nationwide effort to improve the lives of animals. 

We currently source 100% of our organic chicken bone broth from farms that have earned Global Animal Partnership (GAP) certification, and we will continue to source all our organic chicken bone broth from GAP certified farms as the GAP program evolves its standards in breed selection and housing conditions (space, lighting, litter, enrichment) as well as employ a multi-step CAS system, which is widely considered more humane, by 2024. 

puree baby food by square baby

An Update on our "Better Chicken Commitment" 

Since our launch in 2018, 100% of the organic chicken we have purchased (and will continue to purchase) is raised in alignment with the Better Chicken Commitment standards.  As of today, we've met the following rigid requirements:

  • 100% litter requirements
  • 100% lighting
  • 100% enrichments
  • 100% space allowance
  • 100% third-party audited to the requirements above 
  • 100% multi-step CAS

Because leaving our children with a healthy, thriving, sustainable Earth is the greatest gift we can give them.

Baby boy sitting in high chair eating puree baby food by square baby

For any questions about our commitments to quality, safety, and sustainability, please reach out to us: hello@squarebaby.com.

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