What is the "Square Meal System"?
Introducing solids? Square Baby has got you 100% covered.
Our Square Meal System offers 100% Daily Nutrition meal plans -- customized to your kiddo -- making introducing solids a total breeze. We create perfectly balanced meals that are made in small batches with organic whole foods. And they're delivered right to your doorstep!
Boom! Like homemade, but better. All of the fresh-made nutrition...but no prep, cooking, or cleaning for you!
Sounds amazing, right?
How Does the Square Meal System Work?

HOLY SPIT! When you're first introducing solids, some babies will gobble up their first bites while others will spit it out. Try not to get frustrated (because it can be totally frustrating!). Stay calm and remember that this phase will pass -- so keep trying!
HOW MUCH FOOD IS ENOUGH? In the first days of introducing solids, a bite (or an attempt) can be considered a success! This is truly their introduction phase. Focus on offering different foods -- little tastes of baby-safe veggies, healthy fats, proteins, and fruit -- to introduce them to a variety of flavors that will help them begin to accept and like new foods.
IT'S ALL GOOD. During this stage, they are still getting a majority of their nutrition from breastmilk or formula, so don't stress out if you can only get one spoonful successfully in their mouth in this first phase. Your baby is learning how to accept the spoon and how to swallow the food. A lot of change from that warm, familiar milk.

Introducing Solids Made Easy.
MEALS: Smooth-textured, balanced meals with veggies, fruit, whole grains, and various proteins. Some also have healthy fats, herbs & spices. Simpler combinations and easier-to-digest foods help ease your baby into solids, develop their palate, and introduce allergens.

MEALS: Thicker, chunkier-textured, balanced meals with veggies, fruit, whole grains, protein (some also have healthy fats, herbs & spices). More adventurous flavors. Introduce beans and cruciferous veggies, like cauliflower, as baby's tummy matures and can better tolerate some of the "gassier" foods.

Introducing Solids with Square Meals
At about 6 months, your baby will be ready for a combination of foods from different food groups.
Our Square Meal System™ offers 100% of a baby’s daily nutrition*.
*100% of baby's daily fruit, vegetable, whole grain and protein servings based on USDA recommendations per the baby's age group.
Square Meals = Balanced Meals for Baby
Square Meals are perfectly balanced with fruits, veggies, whole or sprouted grains, and protein. Offering just the right amount of each food group per meal.
Customizable Nutrition
Our meals are categorized by protein source to help navigate dietary preferences/restrictions and provide a diverse daily diet.
How it Works:
- "A" Square Meals: protein is from Whole Milk Plain Yogurt (vegetarian)
- "B" Square Meals: protein is from Beans, Green Lentils, or Nuts (vegan)
- "C" Square Meals: protein is from Chicken Bone Broth or Eggs (dairy-free)

Flexible and Foolproof
Our A, B, and C Square Meals are completely interchangeable within the system. That means, if you're Vegan and only choose "B" meals, your child has still gotten 100% of their fruits, veggies, whole grains, and protein servings -- they just got protein from beans or lentils. If you're Dairy-Free, choose "B" & "C" meals for 100% daily nutrition. You get the idea ;).
Remember that these are general guidelines, not a prescription for your baby. Parents intuition and baby's cues are most important.
Parent Tip:
Do NOT adhere to the "clean plate rule". Forcing your baby to finish a meal when he/she is not hungry could override their natural cue to stop eating when they're full.
Importance of Veggies Early & Often
Research shows that introducing veggies early and often can help raise an adventurous eater! We are proud partners of Partnership for a Healthier America's "Shaping Early Palates" Initiative -- and we're passionate about raising the next generation of healthy eaters. Read more about our leadership and commitment.
Don't forget it can take several exposures to a new food until a baby may accept it. That's ok! Listen to your baby's cues. Listen to your gut and intuition. And find new ways to introduce new foods and flavors.

Introducing Allergens at 4-6 Months
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends for all babies and high risk groups to offer a wide variety of foods including potentially allergenic foods as early as 4-6 months. With the latest research from LEAP, introducing allergens to your baby is an important step in their development and can help prevent food allergies later in life.
The top food allergens, often referred to as the “Big Nine," includes milk, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish, shellfish, and most recently added to the list, sesame. These are common foods that most frequently cause allergic reactions in individuals and account for the majority of allergic reactions.
Read more about introducing allergens safely.
Incorporating Finger Foods or Baby Led Weaning?
We got you! We purposefully provided enough of each food group to meet at least the minimum recommended servings of each food group for your baby (the USDA provides recommendations in ranges). This way, we're leaving room for additional foods to be added to the diet as we know many parents like to include fortified infant cereals into their purees and offer other table foods as they practice with finger foods.

What About 12+ Months?
The USDA provides recommended servings up until "8-12 months" -- that's why we specify "8-12 mos" for the "100% Daily Nutrition" plans. But, of course, after 12 months, your baby will still love our purees! As they start to eat more and more table food, use the purees more as additional foods at mealtime or as a balanced snack!

A Few Ways that Older Kids and Adults Love Square Meals:
- Make them into a SMOOTHIE: Beet Berry and Blueberry Crush are wonderful on their own or with added yogurt or banana.
- Use them as a DIP: Try Hazelnut Pumpkin Pie with pita chips or Apple Rosemary Lentils or Almond Butter & Banana as a sandwich spread! So good!
- Try them as a SAUCE: Sneak in extra balanced nutrition by pouring over noodles or rice. Our Mango Coconut Chicken & Apple Curry Chicken are amazing over quinoa or brown rice!
100% Daily Nutrition. All Squared Away.
Reach out if you have any questions hello@squarebaby.com

~Katie and Kendall, cofounders
This blog post is for information purposes only and shouldn’t be used as personal, health, nutritional, or medical advice. Always consult with your pediatrician before making any decisions about your child's health or readiness for various foods.
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