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How It Works


Step 1


Based on your baby’s age, dietary needs and preferences, we’ll help customize a meal plan for your baby.


Step 2


Pick & choose each of your meals! Our Square Meal System™ is foolproof – any 2-3 meals per day offers 100% Daily Nutrition.

All Squared Away<sup>™</sup>

Step 3

All Squared Away

Baby meals are delivered every 2, 3, or 4 weeks – your choice! We ship our meals frozen for peak freshness & nutrition. Shipping is always free. And pausing, changing or canceling is a snap.

Get Started

Check out our new award-winning, sustainable packaging!

Our new custom containers are from 100% post-consumer materials — earning us a Sustainability Award! And all of our packaging, including our insulated cooler boxes, are recyclable or compostable.

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Square Baby meals
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Leaders in
Early Allergen

Research like the LEAP, PETIT and EAT studies show that introducing allergens as early as 4-6 months may help prevent food allergies. We are the only baby food company to offer an allergen introduction menu including 8 Top Allergens.

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Our Square Meal System. A foolproof way to give your baby 100% Daily Nutrition.

The Best Nutrition for Your Baby

Balanced Meals

60% Less Sugar than

Most Pouches

No Added Sugar, Salt,

or Preservatives

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Early Allergen


Backed by


Have questions? We’ve got answers.

Can you provide details on your packaging?

  • We take every step to select the most sustainable and eco-friendly options while maintaining food safety and quality.
  • Our new custom containers (made with 100% post-consumer materials), recently won an award for Innovation in Sustainability! 
  • Our organic baby meals are delivered in a sustainable cooler box with compostable insulation and dry ice.
  • Our containers were a better choice than glass because we ship frozen organic baby food with dry ice — and we can’t take the risk of glass shattering in transit. We also utilize HPP (high pressure pasteurization), instead of heat, as our food-safety step. You must use a flexible plastic with HPP process, as glass would shatter and paper would quickly leak or break down in the HPP process.
  • We are in the midst of transitioning our photography to highlight our new custom packaging. Our new containers are shown in the first image on this page.
  • We also love our new packaging because:

    • Perfect for spoon-feeding.
    • Encourages baby's exploration of food.
    • Recyclable and reusable.
    • Containers made from 100% post-consumer (recycled) materials.
    • No BPA, BPS, Plasticizers, Phthalates, etc.
    • Perfect for HPP, so we can offer the freshest, most nutrient-dense meals.
    • Easy to stack in the fridge or freezer.
    • Clear container highlights the bright color of our gorgeous meals.
    • And we think they're pretty cute!
  • Reach out with any questions to hello@squarebaby.com

What is the best time to introduce allergens?

Based on recent research, most allergists and pediatricians recommend introducing allergens between 4-6 months of age. Read more here.

Do you test for heavy metals and other contaminants?

  • Yes! Safety and quality is of utmost importance to us at Square Bay. We test each and every batch of baby food and do not sell the meals if they do not meet our high standards, which follow the EU regulations/standards.
  • We were recently named a “Most Transparent Brand” by Consumer Reports as we make our test results easy to find for anyone – because we’re proud of our results and have nothing to hide.
  • We voluntarily partner with the Clean Label Project and have earned the "Purity Award" for each of the meals we have tested. The Clean Label Project conducts rigorous, independent food tests for over 400 different contaminants including heavy metals, chemicals, plastics, pesticides and other toxins.
  • We are also proud Founding Members of the Clean Label Project Baby Coalition – on the forefront of advocacy, transparency, and education.

Are your organic baby meals fruit-forward or veggie-forward?

Our meals are nutritionally-balanced and have ½ the sugar as most pouches.  And our “veggie-first promise” means that every meal is veggie-forward with more veggies than any other food group. Read more about Our Nutrition Promise here.

How soon will my meals be shipped after I sign up?

When you place your first order, your order is processed immediately and your organic baby meals will be shipped ASAP -- within 1-3 business days. You cannot make changes to your first order (assortment, shipping date, shipping location, etc) as your order immediately processed and is being fulfilled by our team.

For any renewal orders (after your first shipment): you can make changes to your baby food subscription before it processes! A reminder email will be sent 3 days before your next processing date. All changes need to be made by the date and time specified in the reminder email.

Delivery timeframe is based on your location, but your package generally arrives 1-3 days** from shipment date.  We ship Monday - Friday, and your shipment may arrive on a weekend day, so please check your tracking information for the most up-to-date delivery ETA!

**Weather Delays** -- Please know that some shipments can be delayed by 1-2 days with weather delays. We are doing our best to keep everything on schedule, but we hope you understand there are some things outside of our control. Be well and stay safe!

FedEx / UPS tracking info will be sent via email after it's picked up for delivery.

Please reach out with any questions. We're always happy to help!

Is it easy to pause, cancel, or change my baby food subscription?


To pause, cancel or change the number or type of meals in your subscription:

First, you need to create an account:

  1. At SquareBaby.com click "Account" in Menu or Account Icon
  2. Click “Create Account” under “New Customers”
  3. Use the same email used to make your purchase.

To manage your subscription:


  1. Click 'Account' icon and login to your account
  2. Click "Manage Subscriptions"
  3. Select Subscription and click either "Pause" or "Edit Subscription" -- you can select the date you'd like to process your next subscription.
  4. Click "Confirm" and you're all set!


  1. Click "Account" in menu
  2. Click "Manage Subscriptions"
  3. Select Subscription and click either "Pause" or "Edit Subscription" – you can select the date you'd like to process your next subscription.
  4. Click "Confirm" and you're all set!

Remember that you can make changes to your subscription before it processes! A reminder email will be sent 3 days before your next processing date. All changes need to be made by the date and time specified in the reminder email. 

Reach out with any questions — we're here to help!

Join the Family!


A diverse diet. Easy as A, B, C.

Simply offer A, B, and C meals to give your baby the most diverse diet possible.

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Become a Square Baby Ambassador

Earn $$$, swag, and free meals when you share Square Baby with your community.

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Give your baby the best possible start!

Give your baby the best possible start!

And no worries! You can cancel, pause or update your baby food subscription with a single click.

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